
HIROSHIMA-NAGASAKI herdenking in Leuven

Act For Japan.beは、ルーバンのRia Verjauwさんから、8月9日に開かれた広島、






最後に、わたしが書いたスピーチ の文章を載せておきます。

Thank you for inviting us to this event. I am so glad to join you today as a Japanese person.
Our NPO, Act for Japan.be started in 2011, after the Tohoku earthquake disaster in Japan, to help inhabitants in the Tohoku area. Since then, we have organised events each year around 11 March. In particular, each year we show a documentary movie about the Fukushima nuclear power plant accident. Still now, we keep our motivation to do something for Japan even more. Today, I want to talk about my personal experience and something that I have noticed.

Almost 10 years ago, when I was already living in Brussels, I went to a concert given by some Belgian musicians. I saw a video projection behind the musicians on the stage. I was told that a video artist had made it. In the projection, a lot of images of an exploding atomic bomb were shown one after another, repeated again and again. I recognized the shadow of the American combat plane that was flying over the city of Hiroshima.  I felt bad. The explosion in the video was too intense.
And I was so sensitive about this kind of vision that was happened in my country.
I told about my feeling to my friend, but he didn’t understand what I was talking about.
That time I felt a big distance with people there.
I thought about this experience for a while.
Finally, I came to a conclusion myself. In the video, the explosions were used simply to excite the audience. The victims who burned under the explosion did not exist.
Nobody thought of the people under the flames, except me. The heart of the problem of the Atomic Bomb was really far from that audience. I think the mushroom cloud became a symbol of big power. It makes people miss the reality. Of course, that video artist has his freedom of expression. I just want to say that he also can use his imagination to see how it was under the fire. If he had known the victims before making the video, would he have made it?
We need imagination about the reality behind symbols, and we also need to have sympathy with other people, even in places which are very far away.
The things that happened in Hiroshima and Nagasaki are not only in the past. 
It is not another’s problem. It can happen to everyone. So we should not treat the names of Hiroshima and Nagasaki only as symbols.
I appreciate the Belgian people for holding a commemoration ceremony like today’s.
I think more Japanese people should know about it.
Japan did not vote in favour of the Treaty on the Non-proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, although it was the only country that was attacked by Atomic bombs.
Japan needs open eyes and to have an imagination itself.
I believe that our collaboration across borders will help to improve the future.
I think this is the only thing we can do for now.  Thank you for listening.


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